Writing Rules

Although the Rhodes Global Journal of Social Sciences contains writing rules that are specific to disciplines, it has a general framework that includes the following elements:

1. Headings and Subheadings: Headings must comply with a certain format and style. Subheadings should also follow this order.

2. Abstract: The abstract of the article should emphasize the basis and importance of the study, usually it is necessary to comply with a certain word limit.

3. Main Text: The language used in the article should be scientific and clear. A logical structure, clear arguments and supporting evidence are expected.

4. References: References to other works should be arranged according to a specific referencing style (APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.).

5. Tables and Figures: It is important that the tables and figures presented are numbered, their titles and subheadings are clear, and they are compatible with the text.

6. Bibliography: It is important to cite the sources used in a complete and orderly manner, generally expecting compliance with a certain bibliographical style.

7. Code of Ethics: Compliance with research ethics is of great importance, especially in experiments and data collection processes conducted on humans or animals.

8. Peer Review: Articles are generally evaluated by independent referees, and authors are expected to respond to these evaluations respectfully and positively.

Font and Section Titles

3.1. Font Type and Size: Times New Roman font is preferred in the text and 12 point size is used. Headings and subheadings are usually set in 14 or 16 point font.

3.2. Section Headings: Main headings are written in bold and centered. For example:


3.3. Subheadings: Subheadings also start with bold letters, but are written in bold and italics. For example:

1.1. Purpose of the research

3.4. Order of Subheadings: Subheadings are numbered sequentially and are written at the same level as the previous heading. For example:

2.1. Theoretical Framework
2.2. Previous studies