Open Access Policy

Open Access Policy


Rhodes Global Journal of Social Sciences believes that the free sharing and access of knowledge makes a significant contribution to the world of science. Therefore, the journal adopts the following open access policy:

1. Free Access: Free access is provided to the articles published in the journal. No fee is charged for accessing information.

2. Open Licensing: Authors accept the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license to publish their articles in the journal. This license permits the free sharing, distribution, and non-commercial use of articles only as long as appropriate credit is given.

3. Storage of Articles: Articles published in the journal are made permanently accessible by storing them in appropriate archives. This aims to provide continuous and long-term access to information.

4. Open Knowledge Sharing: The journal supports the rapid sharing of scientific knowledge. Therefore, articles are published online promptly and updated regularly.

5. Functional and User-Friendly Platform: Access to articles is provided easily and quickly via the journal's website. Discovery of information is made easier by providing a user-friendly interface and effective search options.

6. Data Sharing and Open Research: The journal encourages its authors to share research data and contribute to open science practices.